Are you on the verge of pulling your hair out due to a clogged sink? Or are you about to call your plumber after trying a million ways to unclog it?
Well, hold your horses a bit and tag along with us to know 5 effective methods to unclog your kitchen sink. The tips and tricks that we will share today with you will solve your sink problems within minutes!
5 Proved Ways to Unclog Your Kitchen Sinks
Use boiling water
The most inexpensive way to unclog your sink is to use piping hot water. Not only is this an instant solution to your clogged sink, but it is also proven to pretty effective for minor clogs. Simply put a pot filled with tap water to boil. While the water is boiling, try to empty the water stored up in the sink to your maximum ability.
Once done, proceed by adding the boiling water to the sink and wait. If the sink does not open up, wait for the water to cool down, dump it out, and repeat the process. You might have to do this a couple of times, but have our word, this is effective!
Plunge it away!
If boiling water does not work for you, then use some muscle and plunge away from the blockage. A flat-bottomed plunger will help you unclog your sink. To do this you will need to fill up the sink with boiling water.
Fill it up till the sink is sealed and then with the plunger, plunge in several times with swift motion. After a couple of plunges see if the water drains. Repeat the process till you see the water draining.
Baking soda and Vinegar
It’s time to test your chemistry skills! Did you know; a combination of baking soda and vinegar can help you unclog your sink. To test this tip out, again start by bailing out the standing water from the sink. Now add a cup of baking soda and a cup of vinegar into the drain and see the action!
The solution will bubble up and after 15 minutes you will see the water drain out. To make sure the sink is unclogged, run boiling water in the end. You may substitute vinegar with some other kitchen acid like apple cider.
Cleaning the P-trap
If none of the above methods work for you, then there might be a blockage in your P-trap. This is the pipe with a U shaped bend under your sink and it is easy for it to be blocked due to food scraps and grease. This blockage prevents water from properly draining through your sink. To fix this up, you will need to disassemble the pipe and then clean it up.
For this prepare yourself beforehand with goggles, gloves, and scrubber, since things will get a bit messy. Once you have your cleaning weapons ready, start by placing a pail underneath the pipes to collect the stored water that might flow once you open up the P-trap.
Once you open up the P-trap, scrub off all the grime and debris accumulated within it. Once done, reconnect it to the sink, remove the bucket and then run the sink tap. And you will give off a sigh of relief once the water goes through. Although a bit technical and messy job, this will definitely solve your drainage problem if the blockage is within the P-trap.
Plumber’s snake
If your clog happens to be way down the drain, beyond the P-trap; we have a piece of good and bad news for you. The good news is you can still get rid of this blockage. But the bad news is you might need an auger/Plumber’s snake to do this. This is a nifty tool that effectively helps in removing any form of a blockage further down the drain.
So begin by placing a bucket under the pipes. Then you will have to disassemble the P-trap and the pipes underneath till you expose the stub pipe. This is the pipe that connects your sink to the cabinet wall and beyond. Insert the auger into this pipe and push till you break the clog.
With these tips and tricks, you will have fewer things to worry about in your kitchen. However, in addition to these tips, make sure you take steps to prevent any future clogs. Start by avoiding disposing of grease, fats, oils, and food debris into the drain. Also, try to scrape off the food debris before washing the dishes up in the sink.
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